
spilled milk
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Кабачок Kabachok

Перфоманс маргинального художника Ивана Осипова из Санкт Петербурга Perfomance of the marginal artist Ivan Osipov from Saint Petersburg

ivan osipov identity card
ivan osipov identity card
ivan osipov identity card
backside of the identity card
backside of the identity card
backside of the identity card
cd with recorded unique perfomance for further study
cd with images and some text perhaps
cd envelope for the disc
invitation to the perfomance

Cерия постеров к премьере выступления Ивана Series of posters for Ivan perfomance premiere

kabachok performance poster by Ivan Osipov and Igor Makovsky kabachok performance poster by Ivan Osipov and Igor Makovsky kabachok performance poster by Ivan Osipov and Igor Makovsky kabachok performance poster by Ivan Osipov and Igor Makovsky
the great poet george le shmatt
I am what I am — I am my own special creation
le lik

Концепция, название, дизайн и съемка проекта

Myriad Pro — Роберт Слимбах, Кэрол Туомбли — Adobe, 1992

Менеджер по печати — Григорий Ярмолюк, YouPrint

Спасибо Егору за транспорт, а Елене — за вдохновение

Август 2011 — Igor Makovsky

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Concept, title, photos and project design

Myriad Pro — Robert Slimbach, Carol Twombly — Adobe, 1992

Print manager — Gregory Yarmolyuk, YouPrint

Thanks to Egor for transport and Elena for inspiration

August 2011 — Igor Makovsky

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