
ИзПодполья From Underground

notes from the underground poster, perfomance by both Varvara Zasueva and the Prague Studio Ksi team
notes from the underground by Varvara Zasueva flyer
notes from the underground by Varvara Zasueva flyer
notes from the underground by Varvara Zasueva flyer
notes from the underground by Varvara Zasueva flyer
notes from the underground by Varvara Zasueva flyer

Тяжелый спектакль Варвары Засуевой по Достоевскому Dire Varvara Zasueva perfomance based on Dostoevsky

anton tataru
katerina polyak
anna skubkova, the beautifulest of all the flies
alexander cherepkin who feels like satisfied with his fate of controling the light
shit, that is me
that fly has no name for now — that is an audience, probably
I'll be damned if this is not Varvara Zasueva
That is Sveta Polyak, the swiftest one