
cover of the book of poems by Vyacheslav Khairuzov without any given name

Кто бы знал, как всё надоело
Нет. Не просто так «надоело»
А серъезно. Огалтело!
Вот пишу, даже рука посинела.

If somebody knew, how it all annoyed
No. Not just “annoyed”
Really. Fiercely!
Writing it down, my hand look bluish.

* * * * * *

spread of the book with poems by Slava Hairuzov
spread of the book with poems by Slava Hairuzov

Опостылили окружающие.
Они слишком уж окружают.

Tired of the surrounded people
They are surrounding too much.

spread of the book with poems by Slava Hairuzov
spread of the book with poems by Slava Hairuzov
spread of the book with poems by Slava Hairuzov
spread of the book with poems by Slava Hairuzov
six cover layouts that we wanted to use before the star idea came in
per aspera ad Astra
spread of the book with poems by Slava Hairuzov

Концепция, дизайн, верстка книги, препресс

PT SansСаша Королькова, Ольга Умпелова, Paratype, 2009

Книга отпечатанна в типографии «Буки-веди»

На странице использованы отрывки стихов Вячеслава

Спасибо Анастасии Хайрюзовой за помощь

Ноябрь 2011 — Igor Makovsky

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Concept, design, typesetting and prepress of the book

PT SansAlexandra Korolkova, Olga Umpelova, Paratype, 2009–2010

Book was printed in «Buki-Vedi» typography

Excerpts from Vyacheslav poems are used on this page

Translation is very roughly made by me for this page only

Thanks to Anastasia Khairuzova for help

November 2011 — Igor Makovsky

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За окном серота бестолковая
А в душе всё одно — червоточина.
Ощущения мои не новые.
Это так написал… среди прочего.

Grey dull view from the window
There is void inside me.
Feelings are nothing new.
Wrote it down… among all else.