
i like this sergey trofimov sketchy logo I've drawn for an inspiration
sergey trofimov photo

Трофимов Trofimov

Сайт хорошего человека и оператора- постановщика Сережи Трофимова Director of photography and good man Sergey Trofimov website

blurry line
blurry line
blurry line
popup window with edit commercials options opened from admin panel
add categories admin panel popup window
a few screenshots with a smoky background
window with add new director opened window
iphone with a directors sections opened on it
blurry strikethrough line
blurry strikethrough line
popup window with edit feature options
popup window that asks user to rename category
choose the dark side control system
window with edit award options
macbook with a paused night watch film

Разработка и запуск сайта — sergeytrofimov.ru

Я занимался дизайном и UI фронтенда и бэкенда сайта

Технолог и верстальщик — Comrade Fuzz (летом 2011)

Сайт работает на авторской системе управления

Наполняется и поддерживается клиентом

Спасибо Сереже — он давал ценные советы и указания

Весна 2010 — Igor Makovsky

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Website development and launching — sergeytrofimov.ru

I was working on design and front-end & back-end UI

Technologist and coder — Comrade Fuzz (in summer, 2011)

Website works on author's administration panel

And is maintained by the client entirely

Thanks to Sergey — he gave valuable advices and directives

Spring 2010 — Igor Makovsky

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