
botanisch.com logo
olga kolonova identity card
olga kolonova identity card
macbook air with a flash animation that used to act like a trailer for the website, while it was on a construcion period that took over, say, a half of the year

Тизер Botanisch.com
(нужен flash)

Botanisch.com teaser
(needs flash)

pen sketches
typographic leaf glyph that is actually called a fleuron

Botanisch Botanisch

Сайт Ольги Ван-Зон Колоновой, переводчика текстов о ботанике Olga Van-Zon Kolonova website, botanical texts translator

imac monitor with an index page with the pattern I like most
pen sketch of the main index page of the botanisch website
ipad and iphone with a few screen captions of the botanisch website
macbook with a 404 error page
there was an idea to create this website in a structure of the large flower
here is the first view of the main botanisch hero which is a hungry caterpillar that appears on the 404 error page and on the credits page, that I always used to include in my websites
actually when I used to visit Olga in Holland, I was thinking about this girl, whom I met in Prague theater
dry fleuron
dry fleuron

Концепция, дизайн и верстка сайта

Georgia — Мэттью Картер, Том Рикнер, Ascender Corp, 1996

Гербарий с любовью собран и засушен Людмилой Родионовой

Спасибо Ольге Ван-Зон Колоновой за помощь и советы

Её дочерям Лизе, Кристине и Соне за вдохновение

Осень 2010 — Igor Makovsky

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Concept, design and coding of the website

Georgia — Matthew Carter, Tom Rickner, Ascender Corp, 1996

Herbarium was collected and dried by Lyudmila Rodionova with love

Thanks to Olga Van-Zon Kolonova for help and advices

Her daughters Liza, Christina and Sonya for inspiration

Autumn 2010 — Igor Makovsky

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